Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Might say "kinda great"

Prelim grades were out and it's quite satisfying that I had received good, if not great, grades in my subjects. To boast a little about it, I got 87 in Advertising and Campus Journ, 88 in intro to Masscom, 89 in Theater, and 94 in Feature Writing. Not bad for someone who hasn't yet take up some majors that are pre-requisite of the above majors. But I am very disappointed on my grade in Broadcast Journalism, not only I who is very disappointed about it but the whole class. We said our concern about our grades to our teacher and she promised that we'll gonna talk about it next meeting. Hope the problem will be fix so that everyone will be happy. ^_^
And yes, one more thing... A week more and we'll gonna face midterm. Better to study harder. God bless us all!!!