Friday, August 20, 2010


Second year, first trimester. Not that too much for me to handle. But right now I am starting to experience what really a college student should feel especially now that I am taking 5 majors at the same time.
Right now, one of the majors included is THEATER and I can say that it is quite exciting to take because we learn how to act, express emotions and we get to produce our own theater play production. That is our final requirement which is fun and worries some at the same time. My group mates here are mostly third years and it’s kind of hard to adjust with their time schedules because first and foremost, they are graduating and they have lots of things to worry for, not only the theater. They also have their thesis and they spend too much of their daytime for that. So, we had agreed that we need to suffer our time for sleeping to have our rehearsal. We figured this suits us (but not me, because I really love sleeping but I know that I need to sacrifice that). This set up went well, although we all complain of lack of sleep. Another problem that we faced is that the revision of the script which brought conflict to some of our members. We only have one more week before we present it and there they are, coming up with the idea of revising the lines in the script… As my instructor always tell us, “My goodness!” Yes, they had it revised and gave us the problem on how to memorize it and deliver the lines on such a short span of time.
Hmmm… All’s well that ends well. Maybe we will just hang on to that saying. Hoping that after the presentation, we will all have smile on our faces… So help us, God!

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