Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Motivation to Win...

Each and one of us wants to succeed in life. Who doesn't want to? But as we all know, before we become successful in life, we need to strive hard to reach our goals. The question is, what pushes you to do your best to achieve what you want in life?
Some people thinks of their family as the motivating factor to pursue their dreams. It might be because of poverty, that a person would like to be rich and help his/her own family. Some because they are being pushed to do something because of their family background, and they do not want to let them down. But even if this is the matter, they still do their best to finish what their parents want for them.
Others take the situation they are having to motivate them to win. Maybe they are looking up to someone they admire and take them as examples to follow. Or it might be the total opposite of it, that they do not want others to look down to them and that gives them the feeling that they need to prove something so that no one will belittle them. Negatively as you might look on it, but outputs may still be the same, they will still be able to succeed.
Whatever your reasons are in pushing your way to success, you must keep your feet on the ground. But wait, me? What do I really have that motivates me to do such things beyond what I know I can do or achieve? It's simple... I know I can do it because of the people who believes in me and has faith in me that I can win this race...

Saturday, August 6, 2011

State of the Nation Address

Mid 2010, President Noynoy Aquino delivered his State Of the Nation Address to the people of the Philippines as the Country's president, giving promises and stating what he will do for the country. Once again he made his speech last July of this year and allow the public to know of his accomplishment for his one year of being the country's leader.
It is a good thing to know what improvements has been done during his year of administration, and a great thing to know if all of this are positive. But what is not good is, if you boast for something you can not be held accountable for. Like for the increase in the distribution of rice production which he says it was his doing that made this possible. This happens because of the expansion of harvest area, not because of anyone's doings...
Personally, I really don't like how P-Noy talks, the way he delivers his speeches. It might be that I do not like politics or might be because of how he is kind of boasting when he speaks.
I know that it is wrong to judge people by how they act, talk or hate them for some reasons that is so unfair because they do not wish to be in that situation. What I should do for now, and better than doing anything, is to observe and pray for the betterment of our country...

Future career of MassCom grad: Call Center Agents?

In the fast-pace world, wherein you see the development and improvement of the outside world, not only the four walls of the classroom, do you think you are ready to face the challenges?
We are now living in a world dominated by call centers which offers bigger salaries than the other jobs, than the jobs that are related to our course. Yes, let us face the facts that we have chosen a field where hunger thrives and you will be lucky enough if you will be able to eat thrice a day or will give you doubts if you can have your own family and raise them properly.
And yes, we Mass Communication students have the advantage if we pursue and aim to be a call center agents, because we are trained to communicate and this kind of thing will only be easy for us.
But, will this be the only basis for us to go this way? To be a call center agent? Not a broadcaster, a disc jockey, a journalist, editor, cameraman, etc. etc. etc...?
I don't think so... We have strive hard enough to finish this course, doesn't matter whether you have stayed 3 to 4years or even more. The fact that you have taken this subject means something. It means that you have chosen Mass Communication as your course because you want to, you have a dream. So don't let anyone or anything to deprive you in pursuing your dream. Live your dreams! And don't let all the years you've gone to school, all the knowledge you have learned, and all the efforts and hard work you have made be gone to waste by just being a call center agent...

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


State of the Nation Address... What comes to your mind if you hear the term SONA?

Personally, I really don't like listening to petty speeches especially if it talks about politics and the economy, for I am not a politics-type of a person. This is because I am not interested to such crap, talking about graft and corruption and such things. Sad to say, I don't trust the government.

Looking back to P-Noy's first SONA wherein he tackled more on how he will deal with with those who corrupt the people's funds (basically referring to the previous administration, the Arroyo's)and promised the Filipino people that he will revive Philippines.

True to his word (or should I say, least of it) in the second SONA of P-Noy, he talked about improvements such as that the self-rated hunger was decreased from 4million Filipinos (20.5% in March) down to three million (15.1% this June). A small amount of figure, you can say, but at least, he had done something to lessen those who are starving. An additional of a million Filipinos is now eating properly every day. That is an accomplishment!

A flaw in his speech, was when he took the glory for his administration for the increase in distribution of rice production. But based on the April 2011 Rice and Corn Situation Outloook that was independently accessed by GMA News Online, the Bureau of Agricultural Statistics projected a 14.9-percent increase in palay production for the first half of 2011, to 7.61 million metric tons (MT) from 6.62 million MT in the same period last year. According to BAS, this could be attributed to the expansion in harvest area and improvement in yield compared to last year’s conditions when palay production was adversely affected by the El NiƱo phenomenon.

You can say anything you want, what you have done for the country, but not to the extent that you will boast and claim to some accounts that you were never accountable for. As the saying goes, "Walk the Talk".

Thursday, July 7, 2011

An Exciting Experience...

Being a Mass Communication student is really a tiring yet, exciting experience one shouldn’t miss. Although a lot of students complain about having a lot of projects and requirements, the part of creating the whole production is really fun!
Our ENR2 preliminary requirement was to make a 30-minute news program that will enhance not only our speaking skills (because we need to host it by ourselves, make our own commercials etc...) but also improve our technical and editing skills as well. Supposed to be, I’ll be hosting our news program but for some technical reasons, or should I say, problems, it didn’t work that way. Although we had some problems with the time and schedules, we had so much fun and sorts during the whole production.
As a MassCom student, most of our subjects require a lot of things. From cameramen, lightings, script writings, technical’s, until the last part which is the hardest of all, the editing. But surely, as the saying goes, that you can taste the sweetness of success after all the hardships and difficulties you’ve been through... 

Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Never Ending Issue of RH Bill

The issue of whether the government will pass the RH bill or not is still under negotiations... While religious organizations totally disagree with this because it defies morality, most of the people see it as a solution to the increasing problem related to population control and widespread of diseases. Naturally, we can expect that gays and lesbians groups will agree with the said bill because as we all know, the "not-so-common" way of them to have sex can really cause and spread diseases such as AIDS, HIV's and the likes. In this way, they are helping those people behind that RH bill in order for the society to recognize and appreciate them as they were.
But, come to think of it... Is it really a good idea to have such kind of bill? Isn't it like telling the people, especially the young ones that sex is good and that you can get away with responsibility if you follow this? Are we now okay with the idea of pre-marital sex because we are now living in the modern days wherein we can have sex without having the fear of being pregnant or catch some diseases?
I guess, that's what happening nowadays... But, knowing the fact that these will not be right in God's eyes, even if it's approved by men. We should know that black is black, and white is white. There's no such thing as gray when it comes to morality. Morality is ABSOLUTE! And nothing can change it. Not modernization. Not the government. Not the law...

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Digital Arts: Opening New Opportunities to People

The coming of the age of technology had opened many doors of job opportunities to a wide number of Mass Communication graduates and even for fields not related to media. Before, it was only being a broadcaster, a journalist, a public relation officer or even an advertiser were few of the jobs that the so-called "media world" could offer and only few people get the chance to shine on these fields.
But these days, most of what we see in the movies or televisions were artworks of the backstage people. We don't see them on screen but they play a greater role to make those impossible scenes possible. They were the editors, graphic designers, multimedia experts who really exert a lot of efforts to make the movie/program entertaining.
The showbiz world are already crowded. Being a broadcaster really needs a good voice, sense of style and charisma. Public relation officers and advertisers should have greater amount of reasoning and wild imagination. Now, we do have the technical aspect which only requires willingness to learn, being open-minded and hardworking and it can put us to the top. Every people can shine on their own ways. Let's just be determined if we want to be successful.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Don't Judge a Seminar by It's title!

Who would have thought that a whole day seminar about writing stuffs, especially articles that you are trying to avoid, would turn out to be fun and interesting? Well, that was my perception at first when I was chosen to be part of the Philippine Press Institute’s first ever seminar here in Baguio. From its title “Writing Beyond the Printed Words”, I imagined myself sleeping while someone is giving lectures to stuffs such as this and that. Well, as my friends would say, “It’s a wrong mistake.”
We were welcomed by Ms. Elnora Cueto, the PPI Trustee for Luzon, who gave me the initial blow. This blow made me realize that even if I am not that good as a writer (because I’m a moody-type of a person when it comes to writing) I know I will regret if I refuse being in such a great seminar. Ms. Cueto said, “Every printed word becomes immortal.” Wow! Imagine an article of yours, every significant one, lasting for more than a lifetime, or more. This will make you known even if you do no longer exist. That idea gave me the creeps.
That was only the opening remarks. The Publisher-Editor of Punla (the community newspaper in Bulacan), Ms. Nene Bundoc-Ocampo taught us about the Media Landscape. She quoted, “Walang maliit o malaking istorya, nasa pagsusulat kung paano ninyo ito aangguluhan.” True as it is, everything in this world is a story. In our photo journalism class, we were asked to take pictures of still-life. And we were asked to show meanings beyond that picture itself. So, even non-living things have its story to tell. How much more we who are living? It’s up to you how to make a story out of it, you just need to look for angles that will make it interesting.
Another topic was conducted before we had our lunch. Ms. Leia Fidelis Castro, a senior writer of Baguio Midland Courier shared to us that writers are born first before they were made. True enough, there were no babies reported who can write as early as one month, a year or two. Yes, that is the literal meaning of it. But trying to digest it, great writers, may it be in the past or in the present, they were born first and were taught how to write and be known in their respected field.
“It doesn’t end with a deadline; the story goes on and on,” these were the words of Mr. Dino Balabo, senior writer of Mabuhay. For a student like me, beating the deadline for such a short span of time is a headache. We get angry with the instructors thinking how on earth we can beat the deadline if the time is so little. Are journalists suppose to be Harry Potter-like and use magic in able to pass such requirements. The answer is no. It just means that being a journalist is a difficult job. But f you have the passion to pursue it, it won’t matter if there are a lot of works to do. Yes, it doesn’t end with a deadline, there will still be more story deadlines, one after another. It’s a never ending cycle that we need to endure as aspiring journalists.
Then, a question was raised by one of our colleagues from Ilocos, “Is there money in journalism?” The facilitator told us, it’s a yes and a no. As priests are known to have the “Bow of Celibacy”, journalists have its own version and it is the “Bow of Poverty.” You might laugh at it but it’s true. Having low wages, no benefits, and unstable salary if you’re a free lancer, truly you should prepare for starvation. But having the technology now could make you earn more money for you to survive. Part and parcel of this is what we called blogging. Mr. Ely Valendez, senior writer of Bandillo ng Palawan and a blogger at the same time, shared to us that by blogging, we can easily cope financially. If use wisely, we can attract potential consumers through the use of net. Lesser cost because we just need an internet connection, but it has wider reach because most of the people uses internet.
Journalism may be hard in terms of ethics. There are a lot of temptations, some conflict of interests. But according to Mr. Ariel Sebellino, in ethics, black is black, white is white. There are no gray areas, no middle, and I agree to that. No matter how many people do the same wrong thing, what is right will always be right. Values won’t change.
In addition to the fun, learning, and new friends, there comes great food served at Golden Pine Hotel and is sponsored by Coca-Cola. So, you can tell exactly how exciting the first day was, having a great seminar being sponsored by a really great and well known product. Now, what else could you wish for?
Now, as I am writing this blog, I am really excited for our second day at the seminar. We will be having our field work and will write an article. Now, who says that seminars are boring??? Who says that writing is not fun? Hmmm… Think again.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Moving Forward...

Loud noise created by those big machines… Dust flying everywhere… Rooms being demolished… Were these really needed for the improvement of education?
A construction is now going on at the extension building of the University of the Cordilleras. Most of the nearby classrooms are now experiencing tremendous disturbance which needs greater amount of patience.
UC aims to improve in every way they can, be it may on the teaching, lessons, way of handling class. And right now, the plan of having a new building is almost at reach. The school is now aiming for progress way beyond the student’s knowledge, preparing the school to be best in the future.
Although in reality, students were being bothered and disturbed made by the ongoing construction, we can’t hide the fact that this is for our sake also. Progress needs sacrifices…

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

An eye for an eye…

Who would forget that tragic event last August 23 of last year? When an ex-policeman hijacked or rather say, kept a bus hostage for 12hours at the Quirino Grandstand where many of the passengers didn’t make it alive? Wherein, the tourist bus passengers were all international, and some were Chinese.
Right now, Philippines were grieving for the lost of 3 Filipinos who were sentenced to death by China. Many actions were taken especially by Vice-President Jejomar Binay to prevent this from happening but China had closed their eyes to negotiation. They really were eager to do this even if many Christian groups and associations plead them not to…
Mosaic Law tells of a rule, “an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth”. Is this what happened in our current situation? A country taking avenge of other country because some of their people had bad experience with them. Would we really end this way? Who would have known this will happen… Who would have thought that this could happen…

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A Tragic Happening...

It is a big problem if a country wages war against another country. But, it would be a greater problem if a country, a nation will face such conflict inside its own boundary.
Libya... A Muslim country who is currently facing a tremendous problem today, a war within its territory. Its leader, a long time dictator, Moammar Gaddafi, stands out to his idealism even if the whole nation oppose.
UN have decided to help, US did also stood out for the people of Libya who wishes to be freed upon the dictatorship of the so-called leader. Many innocent people were affected and been victimized by the situation.
How long will this lasts? Who knows? As the Muslims say, "Inshallah!", or as we say it, "God's will be done"...

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Worst Has Yet To Come...

Earth is now deteriorating because of men... Technologies everywhere, advancement of men to make life easier. Yes, surely this helps a lot to mankind but the thing is, nature is being destroyed. And nature won't keep silent about it.
Right now, calamities are now happening all over the world, one after another... The most recent was the tragic happening in one of the most advance country in the world, Japan, who experienced an 8.9magnitude earthquake and a very huge tsunami at the same time. With the advance technology they have, who would have thought that they will end up like the lowest of all? Technology did helped them in the past, but not at the moment that they really need to be warned for future happenings. Men, children, old people, doctors, scientists and everyone is included to the tragedy, no one is exempted...
When are we going to learn our lesson? Let us try to act accordingly, to somehow lessen whatever future circumstances might bring... And lastly, let us pray to God, for help, guidance and wisdom.
"In Him, everything is possible..."

Sunday, March 6, 2011

What I wanted to be...

We had our mass communication field trip last March4-5, 2011. Students who were currently taking up Video and Television Productions and Internship were required to go. Though we took off a little late because of some transportation problems (I don’t want to blame the travel agency because I felt that they want to give their best), basically this changes the whole itinerary.
Instead of going to Makati Palace Hotel after eating breakfast at Jollibee Harbour Square in Manila, we have gone to our first itinerary which is Greater Media Arts or what is well known to be GMA. Everyone is excited in going there but to our great disappointment, the network seemed to be not well accommodating, sending us to two not well knowledgeable facilitator, who either tell us that they don’t know the answer because it’s not their job (how come they’re doing that?) or tell us things that make their network stands out from the rival network. All in all, it’s a big mistake that we have gone to that network. It just made us compare how good their competitor is in terms of PR compared to them…
After which we had our lunch at Traumway in Timog where we ate at our heart’s extent before we went to our second location, Full Circle Communications Inc. A Public Relations outfit who told us how PR is essential to a public figure/company. The people there were all friendly, and accommodate us in all possible way. Surely they know their craft and you can see that they love their job because all of our questions were answered.
The next morning, we visit Unitel Productions. They told us about what they are doing, from the beginning to end. They are one of the biggest production company who makes great commercials not only here in the Philippines but also in other countries. This made my day!
From that moment on, I know what I want… I know in myself I’m not that talented as a person in terms of dancing, singing and whatsoever, but now I know what I can do. I want to be with Unitel Productions, who can edit videos and produce a very competitive output. I want to learn everything about video and audio editing.
What my goal right now is, to be a great editor that will be known in the near future…
So help me God…