Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Motivation to Win...

Each and one of us wants to succeed in life. Who doesn't want to? But as we all know, before we become successful in life, we need to strive hard to reach our goals. The question is, what pushes you to do your best to achieve what you want in life?
Some people thinks of their family as the motivating factor to pursue their dreams. It might be because of poverty, that a person would like to be rich and help his/her own family. Some because they are being pushed to do something because of their family background, and they do not want to let them down. But even if this is the matter, they still do their best to finish what their parents want for them.
Others take the situation they are having to motivate them to win. Maybe they are looking up to someone they admire and take them as examples to follow. Or it might be the total opposite of it, that they do not want others to look down to them and that gives them the feeling that they need to prove something so that no one will belittle them. Negatively as you might look on it, but outputs may still be the same, they will still be able to succeed.
Whatever your reasons are in pushing your way to success, you must keep your feet on the ground. But wait, me? What do I really have that motivates me to do such things beyond what I know I can do or achieve? It's simple... I know I can do it because of the people who believes in me and has faith in me that I can win this race...

Saturday, August 6, 2011

State of the Nation Address

Mid 2010, President Noynoy Aquino delivered his State Of the Nation Address to the people of the Philippines as the Country's president, giving promises and stating what he will do for the country. Once again he made his speech last July of this year and allow the public to know of his accomplishment for his one year of being the country's leader.
It is a good thing to know what improvements has been done during his year of administration, and a great thing to know if all of this are positive. But what is not good is, if you boast for something you can not be held accountable for. Like for the increase in the distribution of rice production which he says it was his doing that made this possible. This happens because of the expansion of harvest area, not because of anyone's doings...
Personally, I really don't like how P-Noy talks, the way he delivers his speeches. It might be that I do not like politics or might be because of how he is kind of boasting when he speaks.
I know that it is wrong to judge people by how they act, talk or hate them for some reasons that is so unfair because they do not wish to be in that situation. What I should do for now, and better than doing anything, is to observe and pray for the betterment of our country...

Future career of MassCom grad: Call Center Agents?

In the fast-pace world, wherein you see the development and improvement of the outside world, not only the four walls of the classroom, do you think you are ready to face the challenges?
We are now living in a world dominated by call centers which offers bigger salaries than the other jobs, than the jobs that are related to our course. Yes, let us face the facts that we have chosen a field where hunger thrives and you will be lucky enough if you will be able to eat thrice a day or will give you doubts if you can have your own family and raise them properly.
And yes, we Mass Communication students have the advantage if we pursue and aim to be a call center agents, because we are trained to communicate and this kind of thing will only be easy for us.
But, will this be the only basis for us to go this way? To be a call center agent? Not a broadcaster, a disc jockey, a journalist, editor, cameraman, etc. etc. etc...?
I don't think so... We have strive hard enough to finish this course, doesn't matter whether you have stayed 3 to 4years or even more. The fact that you have taken this subject means something. It means that you have chosen Mass Communication as your course because you want to, you have a dream. So don't let anyone or anything to deprive you in pursuing your dream. Live your dreams! And don't let all the years you've gone to school, all the knowledge you have learned, and all the efforts and hard work you have made be gone to waste by just being a call center agent...

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


State of the Nation Address... What comes to your mind if you hear the term SONA?

Personally, I really don't like listening to petty speeches especially if it talks about politics and the economy, for I am not a politics-type of a person. This is because I am not interested to such crap, talking about graft and corruption and such things. Sad to say, I don't trust the government.

Looking back to P-Noy's first SONA wherein he tackled more on how he will deal with with those who corrupt the people's funds (basically referring to the previous administration, the Arroyo's)and promised the Filipino people that he will revive Philippines.

True to his word (or should I say, least of it) in the second SONA of P-Noy, he talked about improvements such as that the self-rated hunger was decreased from 4million Filipinos (20.5% in March) down to three million (15.1% this June). A small amount of figure, you can say, but at least, he had done something to lessen those who are starving. An additional of a million Filipinos is now eating properly every day. That is an accomplishment!

A flaw in his speech, was when he took the glory for his administration for the increase in distribution of rice production. But based on the April 2011 Rice and Corn Situation Outloook that was independently accessed by GMA News Online, the Bureau of Agricultural Statistics projected a 14.9-percent increase in palay production for the first half of 2011, to 7.61 million metric tons (MT) from 6.62 million MT in the same period last year. According to BAS, this could be attributed to the expansion in harvest area and improvement in yield compared to last year’s conditions when palay production was adversely affected by the El NiƱo phenomenon.

You can say anything you want, what you have done for the country, but not to the extent that you will boast and claim to some accounts that you were never accountable for. As the saying goes, "Walk the Talk".